Event Apps Saving $ and the Environment
By Peter Vroom, Event Industry Forum, May 24, 2017
More and more organizations are ditching their printed event publications and turning to mobile event applications to handle their attendees information needs. Moving from paper-based to digital-based meeting content for your attendees gives them immediate access to everything they need on their own mobile device. No more lugging around piles of written material and no more printing and shipping costs. It's estimated that replacing printed publications with a digital application can be expected to save organizations at least 50% on average.
A paperless event makes attendees happy while dramatically reducing publication costs and your CO2 footprint. The convenience of having all your meeting materials available electronically also means last minute changes can be made, even during the meeting. Real time analytics gathered from the apps usage allow meeting managers to make adjustments on the go based upon the interests and needs of their attendees.
Moving from a static (paper publication) to a dynamic (digital) platform for your event related information opens up a broad menu of interactive capabilities. It also sends an important message to your members that the organization is both cost and environmentally conscious -- a very good combination.
Watch for future articles exploring more benefits of the move to digital!